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549 kr
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Respro allergimask är framtagen speciellt för dig som är överkänslig mot damm, pollen, djur eller andra partiklar som kan finnas i inandningsluften. Finns i storlekarna M, L och XL. Välj rätt storlek i storlekstabellen, se bild. Masken har blivit belönad av det Engelska astma och allergiförbundet (‘Allergy Friendly Product’ award from the British Allergy Foundation.) 

PRODUCT INFO: The Respro® Allergy Mask has been developed with the hypersensitive individual in mind.

Chemical and particle sensitivity for some people can be completely debilitating. The chemicals and particles that induce debilitating symptoms are not rare, but found in everyday items in everyday environments. Cleaning agents, perfumes, paint, cigarette smoke, pollen, animal dander, fabric softeners and washing powders, can all have a serious effect on well-being if you are sensitive to airborne chemical or particle matter.

All the materials used in the Respro® Allergy mask are known to be inert and unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. The mask material is ultra light-weight and air-permeable allowing the face to breathe easily; and is made from polyester. The Techno™ valves are made from Polypropylene with medical grade Silicon rubber diaphragms. The Hepa-Type filter,also made from Polypropylene, filters out fine respirable sub-micron dusts ( less than 1micron in size).

These positive aspects, combined with its performance and comfort, have resulted in the Respro® Allergy mask being given an ‘Allergy Friendly Product’ award from the British Allergy Foundation.

Note: This mask SHOULD NOT be used for INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS where a device complying with European Directive 89/686 or 89/656 is required. It should only be used to reduce discomfort caused by exposure to, non-toxic particles where the concentrations do not exceed the National permissible exposure limit for the work place. For devices complying with European Directive 89/686, see our EV range here.